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About the Meditation

True meditation is a state of deep peace where the mind is absolutely calm and silent, yet completely alert – a state of being known as ‘thoughtless awareness’. Throughout history, mystics, saints and prophets have spoken of this experience. At that time, they removed themselves from society, sought ways to cleanse themselves of human troubles and devoted their lives to achieving spiritual ascent. Their aim was to achieve ’Self Realisation’ – a state of being where the human spirit becomes one with the Divine, with enlightened attention in the present moment, beyond thought. Through Sahaja Yoga Meditation, this experience is now available to everyone, effortlessly.

Self Realisation

Self Realisation occurs when the kundalini, a dormant energy within us, is awakened. When activated, this energy brings more balance to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of our being, allowing the peace of inner silence. Sahaja Yoga Meditation meetings enable us to learn how to achieve, master and maintain this state of being in daily life. You also learn how to give others the same experience. All your questions will be happily answered. When your kundalini energy is awakened you become aware of your subtle inner Self!

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi talks about the Subtle system.

Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi was born in 1923 in India, into a Christian family. As a young girl she advised Mahatma Ghandi on spiritual matters. In 1970, Shri Mataji developed a method to awaken the kundalini energy of people en masse, a gentle and natural process known as Self Realisation. She founded Sahaja Yoga Meditation in 1970 to help us all realise our true potential. Since then, Shri Mataji, who was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, worked tirelessly, travelling the world to give all people the opportunity to experience their Self Realisation.

Try the meditation

Try this simple exercise…

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation

Sit quietly for a few moments and hold out your hands, palms upward, towards the photograph. You may feel a cool or warm breeze and your thoughts may quieten. This is only the beginning. If you would like to deepen this experience see our Invitation below.

Meditation and Balancing Guide

Download this guide to learn simple meditation and balancing techniques to help you experience the peace of true meditation.

Download Meditation and Balancing Guide
File size 1MB, format is PDF. You will require Adobe Reader to view the Guide. If you need the free Adobe Reader, click here.


Ongoing meditation classes, seminars and workshops are available in many locations around the world. There is no charge for learning Sahaja Yoga meditation or for receiving one’s Self Realisation, which is the birthright of every human being. Why not drop in to experience meditation for yourself?

  • Experience true meditation with simple techniques.
  • Easy to learn, everything is explained.
  • Learn how to meditate at home and keep in balance.
  • Beginners and experienced meditators are welcome.
  • No exercises, postures or special clothing required. Chairs provided
  • Free classes worldwide. Join in at any time.